2024 Utility Staffing Survey Invitation

Have you ever wondered if your office is understaffed…?

Do you need to justify a new position to management…?

Here’s your chance to find out!

You’re invited to participate in the 2024 Utility Staffing Survey. This survey will examine staffing levels and how your office handles labor-intensive practices such as meter reading, bill printing, and payment processing.

Previous survey results

I conducted similar surveys in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022. You can review the results here:

The Utility Staffing Survey is a biennial survey, alternating years with the Utility Fee Survey.

Complete the Utility Staffing Survey

Please click here to complete the Utility Staffing Survey. This should take less than five minutes to complete.

Please feel free to share this survey with your peers at other utilities.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey and for sharing it with other utilities. The results of the survey will be published in a series of upcoming e-mail newsletters. To be sure you receive the results of the survey, if you haven’t already signed up for my free e-mail newsletter, please click here to subscribe.

Upcoming seminar

The Utility Management Committee of NC One Water is sponsoring a customer service seminar entitled Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional: Choose Growth! The seminar will be held at Guilford Technical Community College in Greensboro on March 19 and will offer an online option for those who can’t attend in person. The topics to be covered include:

  • Rates and Affordability
  • Board Communication and KPIs
  • Process Improvement
  • Succession Planning and Workforce Development
  • Self-Care and Personal Goal Setting

For more information, or to register for the seminar, please click here.

Could your office operate more efficiently?

If you think your office is understaffed or could operate more efficiently, please give me a call at 919-673-4050, or email me at gary@utilityinformationpipeline.com to more about how a business review could help you find out.

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© 2024 Gary Sanders


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