Gary Sanders
I provide a wide range of services to the utility billing community, including consulting, data extraction from legacy databases, and speaking at conferences or facilitating training events. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss my services.
I have over 40 years’ experience developing and implementing utility billing and financial software and consulting with utilities and municipalities.
My bi-weekly email newsletter draws from my experience in working with over 200 utilities and local governments to offer insight into how utilities can improve business office operations and better serve their customers.
My area of expertise is utility business offices and helping them operate more efficiently and offer superior customer service. I do this by offering business reviews, which are on-site operational assessments of how well the business office is functioning.
I have also assisted utilities with updating their policy manual, selecting new billing software, and served as the primary point of contact for a software implementation project.
If you have a comment or question, or would like to know more about how I could assist your utility, please contact me at or by calling 919-673-4050. Feel free to connect with me on my LinkedIn page.