One of the things I enjoy most about speaking engagements is the time for questions after I’m done speaking. I often get questions about the topic I just presented. However, if there’s still time left after answering all the questions related to my presentation, I like to open it up for general questions.
I’m taking that idea one step forward, with something I’m calling the Utility Billing Mailbag. Ask a question about utility billing and I’ll do my best to answer it. You’ll find the answers on my social media, so be sure to follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
Please complete the form below to submit your question. I’ll post your name with the question if you’re comfortable with that. If not, there’s a checkbox to indicate you would prefer to remain anonymous. In either case, I won’t post your email address – that’s only in case I need to ask a follow-up question to better understand your question.