Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are some questions I’m frequently asked.

What is your background?

I started working with utility billing software in 1981 as a COBOL programmer. I co-founded the original Logics, then called Governmental Programming Services in 1983. Logics was acquired by another software company in 2019 and in April of 2022, I embarked on a new career as a freelance consultant. Over the course of the years I’ve done programming, training, data conversions, and consulting for over 200 local governments and utilities.

What do I have to do to subscribe to your newsletter?

Just fill out the subscription form in the right margin of this page.

What does a Business Review entail?

Generally, I spend two days in your office (sometimes longer for larger utilities) observing and interviewing your staff in various capacities. During that time I’ll ask lots of questions to determine how and, in many cases more importantly, why things are done. I’ll take lots of notes and, after returning to my office, I’ll draft a report of my findings and recommendations. After you’ve reviewed a draft of my report for accuracy, I’ll create the final draft and do an on-site presentation for your staff or board to present my recommendations. Here is a blog post with more information about a business review.