Announcing the 2023 Utility Fee Survey

Are you charging all the fees you could be…?

How does your fee schedule compare with other utilities…?

If you’ve ever wondered about these questions, here’s your opportunity to find out!

You’re invited to participate in the 2023 Utility Fee Survey. The Utility Fee Survey gathers data regarding what fees different utilities charge and how much they charge for each fee.

Previous Survey Results

This will be the fifth Utility Fee Survey. I conducted similar surveys in 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021. You can review the results of those surveys here:

2015 Utility Fee Survey Results

2017 Utility Fee Survey Results

2019 Utility Fee Survey Results

2021 Utility Fee Survey Results

The Utility Fee Survey is a biennial survey, alternating years with the Utility Staffing Survey.

Complete the 2023 Utility Fee Survey

If you would like to participate, please click here to complete the survey. It should take less than five minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 919-673-4050.

One thing I’ve done differently this year is publish a printable version of the survey. This is based on requests from previous survey participants who needed to gather information before completing the survey. You can access the printable version of the survey here. Remember, you will still need to complete the online version for your responses to register.

I’m hoping for as much participation as possible in the survey, so please feel free to pass this on to your colleagues at other utilities.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the 2023 Utility Fee Survey.

Is your fee schedule up-to-date?

If, after completing the 2023 Utility Fee Survey, you’re wondering if your fee schedule is up-to-date, please give me a call at 919-673-4050 or email me at for more information about how a business review could help review your current fee structure.

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© 2023 Gary Sanders


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