I’ve migrated!

I’ve completed the migration of my website to my new domain. It still has the same useful content, but you’ll now find it at utilityinformationpipeline.com rather than garysandersonline.com.

Not to worry – if you have links saved to my old website, they will automatically redirect to the new website.

Let’s take a quick tour of what my website has to offer…


The Home page summarizes what I have to offer, from describing my consulting services, to downloading my free ebook, 5 Surefire Ways to Save Time Processing Payments.


Perhaps the most useful part of my website, the Tools page includes links to four valuable online tools, each described in more detail below:

Days of Exposure

Days of Exposure is a term I coined for the number of days of service a customer will owe for if they skip out and never restore service after being disconnected for non-payment. You can calculate your utility’s value on the Days of Exposure page. The results page even offers the opportunity to have me provide a free analysis of your Days of Exposure.

Cut-Off Fee Calculator

Fees should recoup the cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged. The Cut-Off Fee Calculator page allows you to enter all the variables surrounding your cut-off and reconnect process and will calculate how much your fee should be to recover your costs.

Staffing Level Calculator

The factor used in the bi-annual Utility Staffing Survey to determine office efficiency is called Annual Accounts Billed per Office Employee. The Staffing Level Calculator page allows you to calculate this value for your utility.

Outsourcing Calculator

The Postal Service has recently increased rates again. Many utilities are seriously considering if they can afford to move from in-house bill printing to outsourcing and have it pay for itself by offering ebilling. The Outsourcing Calculator page will calculate the required ebilling adoption rate for this to happen.


Each of these newsletters is also posted to the Blog page, so if you’re looking for a previous newsletter, this is the place to find it.


I conduct surveys of utilities every year. In even numbered years I conduct the Utility Staffing Survey and in odd numbered years I conduct the Utility Fee Survey. The most recent survey results can be found on the Surveys page.


The About page tells a little about me.


There’s a contact form you can use to contact me on the Contact page.


The FAQ page includes some frequently asked questions I am asked. If you have other questions you think I should include, please let me know!

Does your website need an update?

Is your utility’s website feeling stale and out-of-date? If so, please give call me at 919-673-4050 or email me at gary@utilityinformationpipeline.com to learn how a business review could help evaluate your website, as well as other business practices.

2022 Utility Staffing Survey

There’s still time to complete the 2022 Utility Staffing Survey, if you haven’t already participated.

If you’d like to complete the 2022 Utility Staffing Survey, please click here. This should only take a few minutes to complete and I will publish the results in future newsletters.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey and please feel free to share it with your peers at other utilities.

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© 2022 Gary Sanders


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